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La ricerca ha trovato 23 risultati

da gasgasjoe
lun 14 nov, 2011 11:49 am
Forum: Enduro
Argomento: endurovideo from last weekend
Risposte: 13
Visite : 356

rear wheel turn

rear wheel turn
not perfect :D , but to animate for training some tricks and skill
da gasgasjoe
gio 13 ott, 2011 4:45 pm
Forum: Enduro
Argomento: endurovideo from last weekend
Risposte: 13
Visite : 356

endurovideo from last weekend

this is the reason that we have italien guides. he know the tracks were is now problem and they also know the best places to eat :D
da gasgasjoe
gio 13 ott, 2011 12:20 pm
Forum: Enduro
Argomento: endurovideo from last weekend
Risposte: 13
Visite : 356

endurovideo from last weekend

hello, what a discussion? :shock: :oops: I thought we have the same interests and can share it. This is the basis for a forum. or not? We have many enduro and trial friends in iataly. enduro is no competion for us. enduro is a sport for a group, help each other to go up, or have problems with the bi...
da gasgasjoe
mer 06 lug, 2011 11:53 am
Forum: Trail
Argomento: enduro-trial
Risposte: 8
Visite : 167


look this ist what we normaly do with the enduro. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wt98jTccDIo or this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYPtbDUNNQQ the trial bike is for me best best way to train the technique. i do also some mulatrial. this is very great! and slowly is also great! Im looking forward to...
da gasgasjoe
mer 06 lug, 2011 10:04 am
Forum: Trail
Argomento: enduro-trial
Risposte: 8
Visite : 167


no this isn´t dangerous.

normaly I also do normaly trial or slowly trail.
much time I drive enduro with gasgas ec300 and on this track I wanted to
test what ist easier or faster.
on this track i think, Im not faster with the enduro.
da gasgasjoe
lun 04 lug, 2011 6:48 pm
Forum: Trail
Argomento: enduro-trial
Risposte: 8
Visite : 167


go fast last weekend with the scorpa sy250fr

many greatings from joe
da gasgasjoe
ven 01 apr, 2011 9:45 am
Forum: Moto-Fotografia
Argomento: Le foto più belle!
Risposte: 118
Visite : 2627

picture from weekend

one of enduro-trial training


and here are some other pictures from albenga
https://picasaweb.google.com/joecitybil ... uroAlMare#